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what you can do to support us

Provide Food

Please see our list of suggested food items below. All food must be individually wrapped, shelf stable and within the expiration date to ensure safety and freshness. Whenever possible, try to supply the most nutritious option(s) available. All items must be single servings in small pop top or easy-open containers.


■ Chicken or Beef Noodle Soup

■ Hormel Compleats

■ Mac 'n Cheeze Cups

■ Chef Boyardee Pasta Cups

■ Cereal Boxes

■ Oatmeal Pouches

■ Breakfast or Granola Bars

■ Pop Tarts

■ Small 100% Fruit or Veggie Cups

■ Small Pudding Cups

■ Applesauce Cups

■ Jello Cups

■ Juice Boxes (100% Juice)

■ Small Fruit Snack Packs

■ Animal Crackers

■ Graham Crackers

■ Cheese Crackers

■ Pretzels

Get Involved

Attend our monthly meetings which are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Immanuel Lutheran Church (1013 Franklin Grove Road/IL Route 38) at 6 p.m. At the meetings, you'll learn all about us, meet other great and charitable people, and discover how you can make a difference in the community while helping to eliminate child hunger here in Dixon.

Support and Volunteer

Spread the word about Buddy Bags of Dixon using social media and your personal and professional contacts to inform others of the critical importance of our program within our community.

Volunteer with family, friends, coworkers or organizational members to pack the food bags. Packing events are generally held on Wednesdays, at 5 p.m., during the school year, in the lower level of St. Paul Lutheran Church (421 South Peoria Avenue). Contact Barb Fane at 815.677.3719 to learn more and to inquire about available dates.

Donate Financially

Financial support is crucial to our organization and our ability to meet the needs of our community's hungry and at-risk youth. We would be very grateful for financial contributions to our program from individuals, families, local businesses, civic groups, churches, service clubs and organizations. And, importantly, as a registered 501(c)3 organization, all financial donations and contributions to Buddy Bags of Dixon are considered charitable by the Internal Revenue Service.



Thank you!

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